Modern Muslims' Digital Struggle: Countering Islamophobia on Social Media


Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 4:45pm
Linderman 200 or Virtual
Modern Muslims' Digital Struggle: Countering Islamophobia on Social Media 
Sahar Khamis Associate Professor of Communication, Affiliate Professor of Women's Studies, Affiliate Professor in the Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity, University of Maryland
Muslims have been globally using the internet not just as a window to see the world and to be seen by the world, but also as a tool to push back against their misrepresentation and marginalization. Dr. Khamis tackles the efforts of modern Muslims to deploy digital media to resist their negative stereotypes, rectify their images, and spread correct awareness about their faith tradition and their multifaceted identities, amid a rising global wave of Islamophobia, through adopting new strategies and tactics, including online campaigns. Her talk unpacks the double-edged sword effect of social media and digitally-based discourses, in the context of spreading Islamophobia, on one hand, and countering it, on the other hand. 
In Person: Linderman 200 or Virtual: